AD-1 Clamp Adaptor

AD-1 Clamp Adaptor


The AD-1 Clamp Adaptor attaches to the clamps of Stedman’s Proscreen XL and PS101 pop filters to allow them to properly attach to square-tubed broadcast microphone boom arms that are a popular part of many podcast studios, such as the Rode PSA1 or the Heil Sound PL-2T.  Stedman’s pop filter clamps were originally designed to work only with circular microphone stands and boom arms.  This adaptor will allow the Proscreen XL and PS101 to be used with any square boom arm with a width of up to 0.65”.

Length 1.0”
Width 0.8”
Height 0.5”

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AD-2 Universal Clamp Adaptor AD2 web pic #5 rev3.png

AD-2 Universal Clamp Adaptor
